September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
March 2011
★ gossips ★
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
i loathe gossip mongers and people who spread malicious usual . school was terrible. up to this point in time, i am still unable to fathom why my classmates whose eyes and pride are terribly high would like to belittle and decimate others. it seems weird and astonishing to me . i am alright at eating alone. don't laugh at me .
they suck . totally. i was just trying to find a table to eat when my classmates ostensibly laughed at me because the table that they were sitting at were full and i just had to find somewhere to seat. embarrassed enough . they had to make it worse by mocking at me. well done.
i will forgive them . i am not a weirdo by the way . it is just the class culture whereby the elitist behaviour prevails. they have the mindset of such that outcasting people or you shall be outcast. i chose not to take part in any of their ridiculing behaviour.
nonetheless, our society functions in the same exact manner as my potrayal as written above. how many a times have we stop and clearly ponder whether to criticise a particular person or not? i doubt that there are many who would think clearly before they act. oftenly , they would just pour vitriol over the person existing problem.
antifans of snsd . so be it. if you don't like them, don't criticise them . don't say they suck and stuff. yup , it is not wrong to dislike someone but at least don't criticise them . try being in their positions.hello, they are just trying to earn a living and entertaining us.
why should mankind do something that demeaning . because of our differences ? nah . i think the main assertion for criticism and gossips and . . . serves to protect the individuals . they conjour images which are simple fake .
wise up people . the society has to change . to become more accomodating and less caustic towards one another.
i loathe my classmates. at least, i admit that.
arrogant and ignorant , immature adults.
before you criticise or mock , think twice or even thrice
love tae yeon /